Zvi Hirsch Masliansky, born in Slutsk, Belarus, was a preacher of renown educated in the Mir Yeshiva. He became an educator influenced by the Haskalah, a Hebraist, and a Zionist campaigner. Obliged to leave Russia in 1895, he rebuilt his…
Judith Montefiore (1784-1862)
In 1827, Judith and Moses Montefiore visited the Holy Land for the first time. In her travel journal, privately published in 1836 as a gift to her husband, Judith draws explicitly on Josephus in her reflections on Jerusalem. She refers…
Grace Aguilar (1816-1847)
Grace Aguilar was a prolific Anglo-Jewish author who wrote romantic and domestic novels, short stories, poems, essays, histories, and works of instruction. Often choosing themes from Jewish history and religion, she sought to dignify Judaism and to push back Christian…
Josephus Drawn by Bukhsbaum (2004)
This 2004 drawing by Genrikh Bukhsbaum (1922-2008) depicts Josephus visiting Jewish priests imprisoned by the Roman emperor Nero (Josephus, Life 13-16). Bukhsbaum was born in 1922 in Lvov, Poland (now Ukraine). When the Germans invaded Eastern Poland in 1941, he…