Nathan Bistritzky (Agmon) (1896-1980) came to Palestine from Russia as a member of the third-Aliyah. As well as working for the Jewish National Fund, both at home and abroad, he was a prolific writer of (mostly) historical plays, and a…
Itzḥak Katzenelson (1886-1944)
Katzenelson was a distinguished teacher, Hebrew and Yiddish poet, and dramatist, born in Karelitz, near Minsk, Belarus. During the Second World War, he was trapped in the Warsaw Ghetto. After the uprising he escaped but was arrested by the Germans…
Gitai’s Film ‘The War of the Sons’ (2009)
The film La guerre des fils de lumière contre les fils des ténèbres (The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness) is a recording of a stage production by the renowned Israeli-French filmmaker Amos Gitai (born…

Josephus on Stage in New York (1933)
In November 1933, the Yiddish Art Theater of New York staged Josephus, a dramatic adaptation of Lion Feuchtwanger’s Josephus (Der jüdische Krieg). This two-act, 22-scene play was scripted and directed by Maurice Schwartz, who also acted the lead role of…