The publication of Simchoni’s updated Hebrew translation of Josephus’s Jewish War in l923 and of the poem ‘Masada’ by Isaac Lamdan in l927, enhanced the impact of the Masada resistance and the defenders’ suicides as a model of heroism. The…
Josephus and Masada Tourism
The Yigael Yadin Masada Museum was opened in 2007 at the foot of the mountain. Josephus is the axis of the tour. He is shown in three dimensions, seated in this garden in Rome and presented as the author of…
Judith Montefiore (1784-1862)
In 1827, Judith and Moses Montefiore visited the Holy Land for the first time. In her travel journal, privately published in 1836 as a gift to her husband, Judith draws explicitly on Josephus in her reflections on Jerusalem. She refers…