Still life by an anonymous painter, depicting the Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus, translated by Thomas Lodge. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
The Josephus Reception Archive (JRA) is an online platform presenting information about the reception of Josephus to scholars, students, and indeed anyone with an interest in Jewish Studies, Ancient, Early Modern and Modern History, and Reception Studies.
The JRA consists of entries which provide brief introductions to individuals (translators, editors, scholars, artists, etc.), works (books, films, plays, images, etc.), movements, places, and themes relating to the reception of Josephus in its various formats, in different places and in different periods.
The online archive is in the first instance intended as a lively and easily accessible collection of material that builds upon the project on the Reception of Josephus in Jewish Culture. Further along the line, it is envisaged that the JRA will become an ongoing repository of data concerning the afterlife of Josephus, to assist and enlighten scholars and students in various disciplines as well as informing a wider interested audience.
The JRA has been set up by Prof Tessa Rajak and Dr Annelies Cazemier.
For further information, or if you have any specific suggestions for material to be included in the JRA, or would like to contribute in any other way, please contact Tessa Rajak at: jr@orinst.ox.ac.uk. We warmly welcome new participants.
Enter the JRA
The Following Entries are in Preparation
Isaac Disraeli
Filipowki’s Translation of Against Apion
Heinrich Graetz
Joseph Ha-Cohen
Isaac Marcus Jost
Joseph Klausner
Isaac Beer Levinsohn
Abraham Menahem Mendel Mohr
Moshe Leb Lilienblum
Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall
Joseph Salvador
Leopold Zunz
Josephus on TV and Film
Josephus in Opera
Eliezer ben Yehuda
Yehuda Leib Gordon
Shalom Ha-Cohen
Josephus in Israeli Theatre
Nachman Krochmal
Moses Israel Landau
R. Yisrael Lifschitz
Isaac Abravanel
Baruch Spinoza
Zechariah Frankel
Streets in Israel named after Josephus
The book Hayyei Yosef (The Lives of Josephus) by Yoram Avi-Tamar
Sarra Copia Sulam
The Most Recent Additions to the Josephus Reception Archive are: