Jacob Naftali Hertz Simchoni (Simchowitz) was an Eastern European Jewish scholar, translator, and educator. He was born in 1884 into a Maskilic family in Slutsk (in present-day Belarus), where he spent his childhood. As a teenager he studied Latin and…

Josephus on Stage in New York (1933)
In November 1933, the Yiddish Art Theater of New York staged Josephus, a dramatic adaptation of Lion Feuchtwanger’s Josephus (Der jüdische Krieg). This two-act, 22-scene play was scripted and directed by Maurice Schwartz, who also acted the lead role of…
Zvi Hirsch Masliansky (1856-1943)
Zvi Hirsch Masliansky, born in Slutsk, Belarus, was a preacher of renown educated in the Mir Yeshiva. He became an educator influenced by the Haskalah, a Hebraist, and a Zionist campaigner. Obliged to leave Russia in 1895, he rebuilt his…